Energetic Healing

What are Energy Healing treatments?

The main technique used is called Quantum Touch. It is an energetic approach, which does not require any manipulation by the practitioner, but simply a “touch” as the name suggests. In short, quantum touch could be described as the art of energetically healing the body (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) with a light touch or even without a touch.

An energetic treatment is a treatment that helps you relax so that your body can heal of itself. This is why the energetic healing is an excellent accompaniment to your medical treatment and medical follow-up. It is absolutely not a replacement for it. You must imperatively continue your treatment and be followed by your doctor, who is the only one who can modify your treatment.

A person who has been uncomfortable for several years may eventually require several sessions. The recommended time between two sessions is one to two weeks.


This practice helps to accompany you for:

  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Inflammation (tendonitis, arthritis…)
  • Structural alignment such as hip alignment, scoliosis…
  • Back pain
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache
  • A hormonal imbalance
  • Lack of energy

This is a non-exhaustive and indicative list.

The techniques of hypnosis and energetic care are in no way a medical or paramedical approach. They are not intended to treat an illness. The practitioner does not make any medical diagnosis or any psychoanalytical or psychological interpretation. A session should never delay, replace or cancel a medical consultation.

The techniques of hypnosis and energetic care can be applied as an accompaniment or complement to a follow-up by a member of the medical profession but can in no way replace it.

How is a session conducted?

Lying down or sitting down, a session is given on a person dressed in comfortable clothing.

The treatment is an energetic treatment that will touch only the person’s energy sphere.

Who is it for?

Everyone: babies, children, adults and the elderly. 

Everyone will react according to what they need to find their global balance (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual).


Distant healing : 1 hour – 60€.

Distant healing in a small group: 5 sessions – 180€ (only after announcement on the youtube channel, subject to conditions)

The payment has to be received prior to treatment.